
All-Day Divining – Using the Tarot to Practice and Play to Create a Divine Work/Life Balance

Presented by V.

Moderated by Isaac Mouser

Tarot is a sacred tool for connecting with our higher self, our guides, and our ancestors to help bring clarity to our lives. But what if we transformed this tool to one of play? Using the Tarot to “play all day” can help to break us out of old patterns, create new “happiness habits”, and role-play our way into a happy balance of work and life. This session is moderated by Isaac Mouser.

Manifesting by the Light of the Moon

Presented by Amie Emberharte

Bring your favorite cards, runes, crystals, charms, photos, and an intention or two you would like to manifest in your life. Amie Mouser will share information on Luna’s cycles and how to connect your intentions with the flow of the Goddess to amplify the manifesting power always present in your life. The magick she shares will be eclectic, drawing from various traditions and practices. Those new to Moon Magick as well as those who have been practicing for years will find new and inspiring ways to harness the power of the moon and connect with the Goddess. This season is moderated by Ryan Mouser. This interactive class will include information and experience creating altars using divination tools as well as magickal and mundane items. Amie has created Manifesting by the Light of the Moon Concoctions, a booklet for your use going forward which will include some of her favorite and most successful creations. Come learn, share your experiences, and amplify the power of your connection with our beautiful moon.

Shamanism and the Tarot

Presented by Benebell Wen

Moderated by Amie Emberharte

This will start as a study of how shamanism has been practiced throughout history and by various world cultures, though first, we’ll draw the distinction between a shaman and having a shamanistic experience. We’ll then discuss application of core concepts by the modern-day tarot reader. I’ll share my perspective on using a tarot deck to detect spirit presence in a room and what that means in more rationalist, psychology-based terms. We’ll also explore methods for channeling a spirit with the tarot as our tool. This session is moderated by Amie Mouser.

Dancing with Angels – The Art of Oracle “Word Tango”

Presented by Reverend Kevin Lee

Moderated by Isaac Mouser

Kevin will share ways both new and seasoned readers can begin a “new dance” with their clients. This begins the moment of advertising intuitive sessions through to the booking process. It continues even as you greet them, and certainly as you begin your higher dialogue of intuitive inner experiences, and how they parallel the images, colors, shapes and more on each card. Readings are not only about informing the client what needs to be shared but also about our listening to the responsive words your client shares with you. You are in a spiritual tango and you must lead your partner while sensing their capability of understanding what you are hoping to share.

The Great Epic: The Mahabarata Oracle

Presented by Gita Rash

Moderated by Kate Mura

A walk-through of one of the oldest, greatest written epics that provided the inspiration for the creation for this oracle deck, “The Mahabharata Oracle”. The extraordinary tale of human foibles, emotions and actions was the perfect backdrop to re-create the meanings in a more simple format, which can guide and help us navigate through our own lives. These archetypes are present in all of us, we have only to look within and recognize that we are all a part of the macrocosm of this universe. The wide spectrum of emotions, dualities, miracles, philosophy, spirituality, etc. present in characters ranging from the colorful to the bizarre weave this fascinating story. Providing profound messages, the wisdom we can glean from this story is a master lesson in life.