

Beverly Frable

Diviner & Teacher

Beverly Frable’s passion is divination; her focus is tarot, one of the most popular divination tools.  As a professional tarot consultant, Beverly has attended events throughout the United States, traveling from New York to California enhancing her skills studying under such luminaries such as Rachel Pollack, Mary K. Greer, Camelia Elias, Enrique Enriquez, Rana George, Carrie Paris and many other renowned divination experts. 

In addition, Beverly has presented at numerous conference events and has taught divination classes for local metaphysical groups. 

Tarot Skills with Beverly Frable

We were so excited to have Beverly Frable as a presenter at StaarCon 2021, where she gave an informative talk about the three primary styles of tarot. She will be back for StaarCon 2021 with a presentation on how to divine with ogham staves. In this episode of StaarCast, Beverly shares some insights about ways we can gain more information in a tarot reading.

Panel Discussion: Game of Fortune

It may not be the Oracle of Delphi but the GAME OF FORTUNE – Panel Tarot Readings using a Wheel of Fortune to choose the reader – will combine chance and reading skill in a way that is sure to be as entertaining as it will be enlightening.  We will have three tarot readers ready to read for online and in-person participants’ specific questions.

A spin of the wheel will determine which reader will answer each question. The exercise is designed to showcase a variety of reading styles as well as give us a chance to mix it up Tarot style, play, and have fun.  

Styles of Tarot

This workshop will compare and contrast the three major tarot styles: Tarot de Marseille: The first known tarot deck dating back to the 15th century; Rider Waite Smith: The deck that influenced the majority of all tarot decks available today; Thoth: Offers astrological and kabalistic attributes, Egyptian symbolism and occult references. Join us for a high-level introduction to each and decide which styles work for you!

StaarCon 5 Presenters

StaarCon 2024 Presenters

StaarCon 2023 Presenters

StaarCon 2022 Presenters

StaarCon 2021 Presenters